Simple Installation
- All you need to do is to add Heex script to your project.
- The backend server and database are provided by HeexCloud.
Coming soon...
Installation of Self-hosted Heex
Step 1: Setup the database first
You have plenty of options, all of which are supported by Heex.
- Leancloud
- Firebase
- Supabase
- AWS dynamodb
Step 2: Setup your api server
There are plenty of API server implementations available. You need the database configuration from Step 1 in this step.
- Nextjs and deploy it on vercel
- Netlify lambda functions
- Cloudflare Workers (TBD)
- Java server
- PHP server
Step 3: Add Heex to your website or app
<!-- create a empty div with an id of your choice-->
<div id="heex"></div>
<!-- introduce heex js -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- introduce default css theme, or you can define your own theme -->
<!-- lastly, init Heex -->
clientId: "some-random-string",
clientName: "some-random-string",
apiBaseUrl: "your-api-server-base-url-from-step-2",
The default css theme can be replaced with your custom one.
The auth mode is "anonymous" by default. You can override it.